Leadership Assessment


Effective leaders develop trust and respect, convey an inspiring vision, find solutions to critical problems collaboratively with their teams, and invest in the growth of their teams.
While each leader has his or her own unique leadership style, there are skills, behaviors, and competencies that great leaders have. Our proprietary high touch 360 leadership assessment tools and methodologies provide both quantitative and qualitative feedback across specific behavior based leadership competencies that help leaders identify, reflect, and work on what may be holding them back from being more influential or inspirational.


High performing teams develop trust and respect with people and teams, convey inspiring visions, facilitate solutions to critical problems collaboratively, and invest in the growth of their teams.
Our Leadership Team Assessment identifies the strengths and behaviors of a leadership team and the root causes that limit the team’s effectiveness. We provide quantitative and qualitative feedback identifying key team performance competencies including accountability, collaboration, alignment, role clarity, conflict effectiveness, and the group’s ability to observe and improve itself.
We then facilitate the team’s discovery of and alignment with concrete development solutions. We can create a formal team development plan, as well as facilitate the team’s execution of this plan.